FP7 Cooperation
The specific programme on 'Cooperation' supports all types of research activities carried out by different research bodies in trans-national cooperation and aims to gain or consolidate leadership in key scientific and technology areas.
- More info: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/cooperation/home_en.html
- FP7 calls: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/call_FP7#wlp_call_FP7
- Find a project: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/projects_en.html
- Find a document (Work Programme, Financial Guidelines, Negotiation Guidelines, Reporting Guidelines etc): http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/fp7_documentation
Projects currently underway
Title: Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling
P.I.: PELLICANO Francesco
Ended projects
- Acronym: COBRA
Title: CO-morBidity in Relation to Aids
P.I.: GUARALDI Giovanni
- Acronym: FOCAS
Title: FOCAS Organisation, Coordination And Support
P.I.: CABRI Giacomo - Acronym: DRUGSFORD
Title: Preclinical development of drugs and drug delivery systems for the treatment of inherited photoreceptor degeneration
PI..: MARIGO Valeria
- Acronym: TETRACOM
Title: Technology Transfer in Computing System
- Acronym: NMTrypI
Title: New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections
P.I.: Maria Paola Costi
- Acronym: PPDR-TC
Title: Public Protection and Disaster Relief Transformation Center
P.I.: CASONI Maurizio - Acronym: HYDROBOND
Title: New cost/effective superHYDROphobic coatings with enhanced BOND strengh and wear resistance for application in large wind turbine blades
Title: Phase I/II ex vivo gene therapy clinical trial for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa using skin equivalent grafts genetically corrected with a COL7A1-encoding SIN retroviral vector
P.I.: DE LEUCA Michele
- Acronym: TESTA
Title: Seed health: development of seed treatment methods, evidence for seed transmission and assessment of seed health
P.I.: STEFANI Emilio
- Acronym: P-SOCRATES
Title: Parallel SOftware framework for time-CRitical mAny-core sysTEmS
Title: SAFEWAY2SCHOOL Integrated system for safe transportation of children
- Acronym: SAVE ME
Title: Systems and Actions for Vehicles and Transportation hubs to support disaster Mitigation and Evacuation
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: SAPERE
Title: Self Aware pervasive service ecosystems
P.I.: ZAMBONELLI Franco - Acronym: ASCENS
Title: Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles
Title: Optimization of stem cell therapy for degenerative epithelial and muscle diseases
P.I.: DE LUCA Michele - Acronym: ECHORD TRAFCON
Title: European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development
P.I.: SECCHI Cristian - Acronym: MAAT
Title: Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport
P.I.: DUMAS Antonio - Acronym: ACHEON
Title: Aerial Coanda High Efficiency Orienting-jet Nozzle
P.I.: DUMAS Antonio - Acronym: CROP
Title: Cycloidal Rotor Optimized for Propulsion
P.I.: DUMAS Antonio - Acronym: D3Cos
Title: Designing Dynamic Distributed cooperative Human-Machine System
P.I.: FONDA Sergio - Acronym: UNIFARM
Title: GNSS User Forum on Navigation based Innovation for Farmers
P.I.: FANTUZZI Cesare - Acronym: PAN-ROBOTS
Title: Plug and Navigate ROBOTS for smart factories
P.I.: FANTUZZI Cesare - Acronym: BIOtrachea
Title: Biomaterials for Tracheal Replacement in Age-related Cancer via a Human Engineered Airway
P.I.:PELLEGRINI Graziella - Acronym: FLIP
Title: Fatty liver: Inhibition of Progression
P.I.:PELLEGRINI Massimo - Acronym: PERSIST
Title: Persisting Transgenesis
P.I.: MAVILIO Fulvio - Acronym: TELEFOT
Title: Field Operational Tests of Atermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles
Title: Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles -International cooperation aspects
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: NASCENT
Title: Silicon Nanodots for solar cell tandem
P.I.: OSSICINI Stefano - Acronym: AWARE
Title: Coordination Action for Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems
P.I.: CABRI Giacomo - Acronym: VIRTUOSO
Title: Versatile InfoRmation Toolkit for end-Users oriented Open Sources explOitation
P.I.: COLAJANNI Michele - Acronym: QBOL
Title: Development of diagnostic tool using DNA barcoding to identify quarantine organisms in support of plant health
P.I.: STEFANI Emilio - Acronym: THINS
Title: Thermal-hydraulics of Innovative Nuclear Systems
P.I.: STALIO Enrico - Acronym: COMIFIN
Title: Communication Middleware for a secure and dependable Financial Infrastructures
P.I.: COLAJANNI Michele - Acronym: COMIFIN ICA
Title: Communication middleware for monitoring financial CI - International Cooperation aspects
P.I.: COLAJANNI Michele - Acronym: SAFE RIDER
Title: Advanced Telematics for enhancing the safety and comfort of motorcycle riders
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: ASSET ROAD
Title: Advanced Safety and Driver Support in Essential Road Transport
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: ISI-PADAS
Title: Integrated Human Modelling and Simulation to support Human Error Risk Analysis of Partially Autonomous Driver Assistance Systems
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: 2-BE SAFE
Title: Wheeler Behaviour And Safety
P.I.: DELL'AMICO Mauro - Acronym: PANORAMA
Title: Pervasive Adaptation Network for the Organization of the Research Agenda and the Management of Activities
P.I.: ZAMBONELLI Franco - Acronym: BONE
Title: Building the Future Optical Network in Europe: the e-Photon/One Network
P.I.: CASONI Maurizio - Acronym: SKINSPECTION
Title: Multimodal skin inspection with hybrid acoustic & optical spectroscopic imaging
Title: Neurotransmitter Cys-loop receptors: structure, function and disease
P.I.: ZOLI Michele - Acronym: USTIR
Title: User Driven Stimulation of Radical New technological Steps in Surface Transport
P.I.: MARIANI Michele - Acronym: NBC-EFFORT
Title: Neural and behavioral correlates of mental effort
P.I.: PAGNONI Giuseppe - Acronym: BEMOSA
Title: Behavioral Modelling for Security in Airports
P.I.: MARIANI Michele - Acronym: EDScience 09
P.I.: REBECCHI Barbara - Acronym: EDScience 10
Title: Everyday Science 2010. Researchers and Research in Everyday Life
P.I.: REBECCHI Barbara - Acronym: REBORNE
Title: Regenerating Bone defects using New biomedical Engineering approaches
P.I.: DOMINICI Massimo - Acronym: I-ONE
Title: Implantable Organic Nano-Electronics
P.I.: Fabio Biscarini