Horizon 2020
With nearly 80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.
Horizon 2020 is helping to strengthen Europes competitiveness with its emphasis on
- Excellent Science
- Industrial Leadership
- Societal Challenges
Horizon 2020 main pillars are described as follows:
Excellence Science: reinforce and extend the excellence of the Unions science base and to consolidate the European Research Area
Industrial Leadership: support new and breakthrough technologies as well as research and innovation with a strong industrial dimension
Societal Challenges: a challenge-based approach to major societal issues
Horizon 2020 is characterized by horizontal pillars such as:
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology : an independent EU body set up in 2008 to enhance Europes ability to innovate by nurturing entrepreneurial talent and supporting new ideas through Knowledge and Innovation Communities.
- Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation : in order to reduce European Union significant internal disparities in terms of research and innovation performance, specific measures are targeted at low-performing Member States in terms of research and innovation.
- Science with and for Society : aims at building capacities and developing innovative ways of connecting science to society.
HORIZON 2020 Useful links:
- CORDIS: Partner search tool of the European Commission
- Ideal-ist: Search engine dedicated to ICT and sectors that involve the use of ICT (Health, Environment, Energy, Transportation...)
- Nmp Team: Search engine for nanomaterials and advanced materials
- APRE: Search engine - Italian Agency for Promotion of European Research
- ARTER FIRST: Regional Agency for Research and Technological Innovation's search engine
- FIT for Health 2.0:matchmaking tool implemented by Fit for Health 2.0 for Health-related topics in calls of Horizon 2020 and related programmes.